No one can the popularity of drinking around the world. Tea was first mentioned in old manuscripts. Owing to the records mentioned in those manuscripts, we managed to find out that initially tea was consumed as an infusion possessing therapeutic properties. But, access to tea was strictly limited, not all could make use of it. Nowadays every tea-lover can drink this beverage. Unfortunately, it's still unknown whether flowering tea is a recent or old creation. However, the origin of blooming remains a mystery to this day, but am sure we don't really care, what's important is we are getting the health benefits of it besides its great taste.

Flowering tea is a small bundle of dried tea leaves blended with natural flowers which are thoroughly tied up with a cotton thread. It should be pointed out that this tea is produced mainly from green tea leaves. However, another variety of blooming is also available in the market today, it is made from black and white tea leaves. The value of this tea basically depends on the age of tea leaves which are used for its production. That's why Chinese artisans choose exceptionally young green tea leaves and blend them with natural flowers. It should be emphasized that only edible flowers are being used. Owing to the fact that there is a huge variety of flowers which can be used for tea production, there are also different varieties of flowering tea.

As a whole, blooming tea is distinguished by smooth taste and delicate flavor. It's vital to keep in mind that only purified water can be used for the tea preparation in order to obtain the chance to savor its reals. Using a glass teapot you will also be able to see a rosette blooming before your eyes.  The additional factor of flowering tea lies in the fact that it is not only tasty, beautiful, but it also has a positive outcome on anyone's body providing its proper functioning.
By: Liam Nelson

The benefits that can come from drinking green tea are known throughout the world, but you may be surprised to find out about the health benefits of white tea as well. If you have never heard of white tea it would not be at all shocking.

There are only a few white tea varieties available in the west but this in itself does not limit your choice too much.

There are only a few white tea varieties available in the west but this in itself does not limit your choice too much.

However, the benefits of this drink are unlike any other and researchers are just beginning to experiment with the different healing and medicinal properties of this tea.

Better Than Green Or Black

So why is white tea better than green or black tea? For a start it enables you to consume more antioxidant properties than the green or black tea varieties while also consuming less caffeine.

Many think that this fact on its own is a good enough reason to move over to white tea.

Cancer Prevention

It is widely known that green tea may be helpful to the prevention of cancer, but the white variety appears to do a better job. In several studies it has been found that it seems to inhibit DNA mutations, which is what usually happens when some forms of cancer appear.

In addition, it has also been found to inhibit the precursor to colon cancer. All of this is important evidence for scientists and researchers today. While more research is still needed, the evidence for benefits of white tea is certainly clear.

Obesity-fighting Agent

Obesity, the curse of the western world, can be fought with the aid of white tea as it contains more antioxidents than other varieties.

In fact, researchers in 2009 found that an extract of tea put into fat cells actually caused them to break down.

As you can see, the benefits of white tea are numerous and are literally unmatched by any other variety of health tea on the market. With its antioxidant properties, cancer prevention benefits as well as obesity-fighting properties, consumption is certain to become the next health craze of the western world that will have a meaningful impact on society!

It is universally acknowledged that taste qualities of tea largely depend on the process of making it. Here we are going to provide you with some useful recommendations on blooming tea preparation so that you can enjoy its exceptional taste and flavor. In China, people dedicate much time to the tea brewing because they consider this process a real ceremony which is worth the time spent. Tea is not only a delicious product; it also possesses numerous healthy properties. That’s why the process of making this beverage should be treated seriously.

Obviously water plays a key role in blooming tea preparation. To enjoy the pure taste of tea, use only filtered water containing no impurities as these can quickly ruin the quality of tea. It is well-known that blooming tea contains dried tea leaves and flowers. If you want to watch an amazing, and gorgeous, process of leaves unfurling, use a glass teapot. The most important fact you should remember is that after boiling water you must cool it for a short period of time before pouring it into the teapot. It would even be better to prevent the water from reaching the boiling point. After pouring the water, infuse the tea for around five minutes. There is another bonus about this type of tea. If the blooming tea is not left to soak in the teapot, it can be re-used up to three times preserving its natural taste and aroma. So if you follow all these instructions carefully you will enjoy the smooth and delicate flavor of incomparable blooming tea!

There are different types of flowers tea available on the market today. The names indicate the flowers which are used for their production. The production of flowers tea is divided into two main processes. The first one includes tea leaf gathering and processing and the second one includes the gathering and processing of flower raw material. It is well known that in order to quench thirst, people drink refreshments of some kind. Unfortunately, we do not always know that these refreshments are not always able to remove our thirst completely. Traditional flowers tea has no such disadvantages.

This type of tea is not only tasty but also extremely beautiful. Imagine how a tea flower blossoms before your eyes while the beverage is brewing! Isn’t it wonderful? There is no doubt that the combination of tea leaves with flowers creates a delectable visual and taste sensation. The process of making this tea requires time and also serious attitude.  The process should not be rushed.  So if you decided to brew flowers tea in order to enjoy its magnificent taste and flavor you should put down whatever you’re doing and give your concentration to this task. But the only necessary condition for brewing really delicious tea is your desire which means there is nothing impossible about this, and even you can make an excellent tea which doesn’t only quench your thirst, but also makes your body stronger and healthier!   

By: Jens Jackson

Polyphenols in green tea are all the rage. The health establishment in the United States now endorses drinking a glass of green tea every day because of these new found polyphenols.

Green tea has the same substance that is in vegetables and fruits: catechins. There are four types of catechins with the most powerful being the one that is found in green tea: epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

This compound is dubbed the "super antioxidant" because it is more powerful than the popular antioxidants Vitamin E and Vitamin C. This super antioxidant eliminates free radicals, the unstable molecules in the body that are the major cause of both aging and disease, which continually attack the body and leave the body vulnerable to disease.

So how do free radicals cause damage within the human body? They interfere with what is called the biochemical process that takes place within all cells. Free radicals ultimately kill healthy cells by destroying enzymes and other cellular functions. Just as bad, free radicals produce toxic waste. These highly reactive molecules damage not only proteins, but actual DNA as well.

There are different types of free radicals but all are children of reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM). So oxidation inside the body is harmful. Yes, we need oxygen to survive, but because of this need, reactive oxygen metabolites are produced. These free radicals age and destroy our cells. These free radicals have been linked to illness, sickness, aging, heart disease, cancer, and even arthritis.

Without any antioxidants in your body, your cells oxidize and breakdown faster thereby speeding up the aging process. This is why many people who smoke age faster. The free radicals caused by the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes causes cellular oxidation at an increasing rate. Free radicals also cause cancer which is why people that smoke have a higher level of risk for certain types of cancer. Whether you smoke or not, free radicals cause oxidative damage that makes us age.